Saturday, September 19, 2020

यहां के पार्क में कचरा फैलाया तो प्रबंधन इसे पैक करके आपके घर भेजेगा, वो भी नोटिस के साथ

पार्कों में कचरा छोड़कर आने वाले लोगों के लिए थाइलैंड में सख्त अभियान शुरू हुआ है। अभियान की शुरुआत यहां के खाओ याई नेशनल पार्क शुरू हुई है। यहां आने के बाद कचरा फैलाया तो पार्क प्रबंधन कचरे को आपके घर पर कोरियर करेगा। यह नियम पार्क में सख्ती के साथ लागू किया गया है।

प्रबंधन के मुताबिक, खाओ याई नेशनल पार्क अपनी वाइल्ड लाइफ के लिए जाना जाता है। यह 800 वर्ग मील में फैला है। यहां आने वाले पर्यटक बोतल, कोल्ड ड्रिंक के कैन और खाने की पैकिंग कहीं भी छोड़कर चले जाते हैं। इससे निपटने के लिए यहां नया नियम लागू किया गया है।

पर्यटक की एंट्री पर पहले घर का पता लिखवाते हैं
इस पार्क में पर्यटकों की एंट्री से पहले उनके घर का पता लिखवाया जाता है ताकि इनके फैलाए गए कचरे को वापस इनके घर भेजा जा सके। इस पहल की शुरुआत थाइलैंड के पर्यावरण मंत्री वारावुत सिल्प-आर्चा ने की है। वह लगातार फेसबुक पर इससे जुड़ी पोस्ट शेयर कर रहे हैं।

वह लिखते हैं, पार्क से इकट्‌ठा किया गया कचरा उन्हें भेजा जा रहा है जिन्होंने इसे फैलाया। डिब्बे पर लिखा, 'आप इसे पार्क में भूल गए थे'

1.54 लाख लोगों ने 23 टन कचरा फैला था

पर्यावरण मंत्री वारावुत ने लिखा, इस नेशनल पार्क में लगातार कचरा बढ़ता जा रहा है। 2016 में नए साल पर यहां 1,54,000 पर्यटक पहुंचे और 23 टन कचरा फैलाया।

कचरा पार्क की वाइल्ड लाइफ के लिए काफी खतरनाक है। यहां हाथी, भालू, सांप और हिरण जैसे कई तरह के जानवर रहते हैं। लगातार लोगों के न मानने पर नया नियम लागू किया गया।

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Friday, September 18, 2020

5 Bollywood stars who made a case for white pantsuits

Be it runway trend or celebrity looks, pantsuits are ruling the world of fashion. While black is a classic style for men and women, the Bollywood divas are now making a case for white pantsuits. They are chic and look just so polished. Take a cue from the leading ladies of Bollywood, who are making a case for white power suits.

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Barack Obama's memoir out in Nov

The first volume of former US President Barack Obama's memoir is coming out on November 17, 2020. It's called 'A Promised Land', and will cover his swift and historic rise to the White House and his first term in office. "I've tried to provide an honest accounting of my presidential campaign and my time in office: the key events and people who shaped it," Obama said.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Jewellery pieces owned by famous royals

And, if you love jewellery, you would certainly love to read about some of the most exotic jewellery pieces owned by world's most famous royal families. It would impossible to list them all, but here's an attempt to cover some that say an untold story.

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Lady Gaga talks about her depression

Pop star Lady Gaga shared in an interview that how she was afraid of leaving the house and spent her days chain-smoking and crying, wanting to “flip the switch inside her back on.

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Weight loss: "I lost 14 kgs in 2.5 months!”

When 30-year-old Rakhi Meniya realised that she was rapidly putting on a lot of weight after giving birth to her little one, she decided to do something about it. "I keep my diet simple and fuss-free so that I can follow it on most days. For my breakfast, I choose anything from a bowl of oats, a portion of sprouts with strawberry or banana smoothie. I completely avoid cheat meals or cheat days."

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Sunsigns who seem tough but are sweet

There are times when we judge people on the basis of their appearance. Surely it can be hard to decipher the mind of a fellow companion but unless we are familiar with them, it is only wrong to make conclusions about them. That being said, there are many people who seem extremely hard and tough from the outside, but when we look deep into their souls and familiarize ourselves with their inner most tendencies, we realize the truth about their personality.

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Easy Ragi recipes for quick weight loss

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Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle: Which Duchess is ageing better?

KATE MIDDLETON, 38, and Meghan Markle, 39, are two of the most famous women in the world. Although they are similar in age, their backgrounds are wildly different. Which woman is ageing better?

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Dementia warning: The eight early warning signs to spot according to an expert

DEMENTIA warning: With cases of dementia rising year after year, knowing the early signs is imperative for earlier treatment. If you or someone you know may be experiencing any of these eight warning symptoms, its important to discuss the matter with your doctor. According to an expert, what are the eight early warning signs of dementia?

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Prostate cancer symptoms: The one sign of the deadly disease all men should look out for

PROSTATE cancer can be difficult to detect in the early stages, as symptoms are hard to come by. However, as the disease progresses, Dr Hasan Qazi details one sign all men should look out for.

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Up to 50% of people may already have immune cells that could fight coronavirus

Tests done on donated blood in the US found that about 50 percent of the samples had immune T cells that reacted to coronavirus. Immune cells to similar viruses might protect them from COVID.

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DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Here's how you CAN let a second wave wash over you

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Part of the problem with colder weather is that we spend more time indoors. But we're also all still learning how to Covid-behave and it's a steep learning curve.

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