Saturday, October 24, 2020

Is your cough because of a COVID-19 or pollution?

Having respiratory problems at a time when a pandemic is surging across the world isn't the most convenient. We tell you the real differences between symptoms of pollution and COVID-19, and when to seek help.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Festive hairstyles to try this season

The month of October marks the start of the festive season. While some people are excited about Navaratri's long celebration, some are gearing up to celebrate Durga puja and Dussehra. Though things are different this year, excitement remains the same. The grand festivities of Navratri and Durga Puja are also the perfect occasion to sport your traditional look.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Foods that bring in luck on Dussehra

From North to South and East to West, there are tons of delicacies that are especially made on the day of Dussehra which are not only mouth-watering but are also believed to bring luck.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Do women really like to talk after sex?

This is the universal question that everyone wants to know. To score brownie points in bed and the relationship as well, it’s important to know what your partner wants. Conversations, spending time together can help partners get to know each other but nothing more works well for women than sex.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Child's emotional needs as per sunsign

Much like adults, children also express their emotions and feelings according to their varied personalities. Therefore, they have different needs and necessities and react differently to various emotions. As a parent, it is crucial that you identify your child’s material as well as their emotional needs.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Things to Do This Week

(Or vice versa.) It’s Halloween week and treats abound, from oysters to ballet to a Sam Smith concert.

from NYT > Health

Things to Do This Week

(Or vice versa.) It’s Halloween week and treats abound, from oysters to ballet to a Sam Smith concert.

from NYT > Health

Zara Tindall's 'spontaneous' body language shows 'empathy and trust' with the Queen

ZARA TINDALL, 39, is the granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II, 94. When they attend royal events together there are some striking similarities, a body language expert observed.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

Sleep apnoea: Do you sleep alone? A new app could assess your risk of the condition

SLEEP APNOEA - do you stop breathing in your sleep? How would you know if you don't share your bed? This dangerous condition could be picked up with the help of your smart phone.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

How to Grow a Hydroponic Garden

It’s getting cold out there. Take your pandemic gardening inside.

from NYT > Health

5 zodiacs that make the best cooks

Cooking is an art and a good cook not only has a vast knowledge of the most delicious recipes in the world but knows how to intricately work each ingredient effectively. They have magic in their hands! Some take years of practice or some learn cooking over the Summer period, and this profession has been praised by many. One has to be really keen, observant, have a quality sense of aesthetics and taste to become a really good cook. Hence, we have rounded up a few zodiac signs that can be really good cooks so that you can know if you have a chance!

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

How to Grow a Hydroponic Garden

It’s getting cold out there. Take your pandemic gardening inside.

from NYT > Health

Did the clocks change last night?

CLOCKS go back in the UK twice a year in order to keep up with changing seasons. But, did the clocks change last night?

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

Two Companies Restart Virus Trials in U.S. After Safety Pauses

AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson have restarted their late-stage trials after finding that serious illnesses in a few volunteers appeared not to be related to the vaccines.

from NYT > Health

Voting in a Covid Pandemic: Wear a Mask and Bring Your Own Pens

A new C.D.C. report cites lessons learned from Delaware’s primary and suggests that voters could use some instruction in the right way to wear a mask.

from NYT > Health

Two Companies Restart Virus Trials in U.S. After Safety Pauses

AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson have restarted their late-stage trials after finding that serious illnesses in a few volunteers appeared not to be related to the vaccines.

from NYT > Health

Vitamin B12 deficiency: Struggling to lose weight? It could be due to not enough B12

VITAMIN B12 deficiency is known as the essential vitamin, vital for the body to function effectively. Lacking in the vitamin could cause a variety of unusual ailments including the inability to lose weight. What is the connection?

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

UnitedHealth Ships Flu Kits to Medicare Recipients

Under MedAdvantage plans, the major insurer is sending packages including Tamiflu and coronavirus tests to those considered especially vulnerable to Covid and the flu.

from NYT > Health

UnitedHealth Ships Flu Kits to Medicare Recipients

Under MedAdvantage plans, the major insurer is sending packages including Tamiflu and coronavirus tests to those considered especially vulnerable to Covid and the flu.

from NYT > Health

Thyroid cancer: Cushing syndrome is a lesser-known warning sign – what is it?

THYROID cancer survival rates are 84 percent for 10 years or more if diagnosed early. Early diagnosis is crucial therefore and spotting the unusual signs could be a matter of life and death. A sign your thyroid cancer has advanced includes Cushing syndrome. What is it?

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

तांबे के बरतन में पानी पीना सेहत के लिए है फायदेमंद, नहीं बिगड़ेगा डाइजेशन सिस्टम

तांबे में मौजूद एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट्स चेहरे की फाइन लाइन्स और झाइयों को खत्म करता है. ये फाइन लाइन्स को बढ़ाने वाले सबसे बड़े कारण यानी फ्री रैडिकल्स से बचाकर स्किन पर एक सुरक्षा लेयर बनाता है.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

Corona Update: देश में 77 लाख के पार हुआ कोरोना का आंकड़ा, पिछले 24 घंटे में आए इतने नए मामले

22 अक्टूबर तक कोरोना वायरस के कुल 10 करोड़ सैंपल टेस्ट किए जा चुके हैं. पॉजिटिविटी रेट चार फीसदी से कम है.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

चाकू-छूरी चलाने वाली 68 साल की दादी, चाकू से निशाना लगाने के शौक को बनाया खूबी और जीती वर्ल्ड चैम्पियनशिप

यह हैं 68 साल की गेलिना चूविना। गेलिना रशिया के छोटे से कस्बे सासोवो में रहती हैं और चाकू-छूरी चलाना इनकी हॉबी है। चाकू-छूरी से खेलना और निशाना लगाना इन्हें इतना पसंद है कि आठ बार चैम्पियन रह चुकी हैं। वह नेशनल, यूरोपियन और वर्ल्ड लेवल की चैम्पियनशिप जीत चुकी हैं।

2007 में टैलेंट को तराशा
गेलिना को 2007 में लगा कि वह चाकू से अच्छा निशाना लगा सकती हैं। उस समय वह एक लोकल पूल में काम करती थीं। जॉब के दौरान दो लोग उनके पास से गुजरे और नाइफ थ्रोइंग क्लब खोलने की बात कर रहे थे। गेलिना ने उनसे बात की, और वह पहली ऐसी इंसान थी जिसने उस क्लब में सबसे पहले रजिस्ट्रेशन कराया।

डेढ़ महीने की ट्रेनिंग के बाद उनके गृहनगर में चाकू फेंकने का कॉम्पिटीशन हुआ। इसमें ऐसे 50 लोगों ने हिस्सा लिया जो आर्मी जवान, प्रोफेशनल नाइफ थ्रोवर्स और नए लोग थे। चौंकाने बात यह थी कि गेलिना ने उन सब को पीछे छोड़ते हुए पहला स्थान प्राप्त किया।

कुछ लोगों ने जीत को महज इत्तेफाक बताया
गेलिना की जीत ने कई लोगों को चौकाया। वहीं, कुछ लोगों ने इसे महज एक इत्तेफाक बताया। इस पर गेलिना ने कोई जवाब नहीं दिया और 2007 में मॉस्को में हुई नेशनल नाइफ थ्रोइंग चैम्पियनशिप में हिस्सा लिया। इसमें उन्हें देश का सबसे बेस्ट नाइफ थ्रोअर चुना गया। प्राइज में मीट ग्राइंडर और एयर मैट्रेस दिया गया। इस जीत ने गेलिना को प्रेरित किया और वह आगे बढ़ती गईं।

लोग इन्हें 'बाबा गाल्या' बुलाते हैं
अगले साल यानी 2008 में गेलिना ने वर्ल्ड नाइफ थ्रोइंग चैम्पियनशिप में हिस्सा लिया। यहां 68 साल की गेलिना का मुकाबला 36 साल से दुनिया के सर्वश्रेष्ठ चाकू फेंकने वाले से था। गेलिना ने इस चैम्पियनशिप में अपनी पूरी ताकत झोंक दी और पहला पुरस्कार जीता। लोगों ने उन्हें 'बाबा गाल्या' नाम दिया। यहां बाबा का मतलब है, दादी और गाल्या का अर्थ है ईश्वर की लहर।

अब तक 50 मेडल जीत चुकी हैं
2013 में गेलिना ने यूरोपियन नाइफ एंड एक्स थ्रोइंग चैम्पियनशिप जीती। वह अब तक 3 चैम्पियनशिप और 50 मेडल जीत चुकी हैं। उन्हें कई देशों में नेशनल प्लेयर के तौर पर देखा जाता है। मीडिया में इंटरव्यूज, न्यूज और टेलीविजन शोज के जरिए उन्होंने काफी पॉपुलैरिटी हासिल की है।

गेलिना का गुजारा पेंशन के सहारे हो रहा है। पैसों की कमी के कारण वह दूसरे देशों में चैम्पियनशिप के लिए नहीं जा पातीं। पेंशन में मिलने वाले 16 हजार रुपए से हर माह घर का खर्चा चलाना उनके लिए मुश्किल हो रहा है।

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Galina Chuvina Knife Thrower | Age Is Just A Number! Meet World Knife-Throwing Champion Russia Granny

from Dainik Bhaskar

Type 2 diabetes: The four sexual problems found in men warning of high blood sugar levels

TYPE 2 diabetes is an extremely common condition experienced by millions of people throughout the world. If experiencing any of these four warning signs in your genitals, it could mean you're at risk of developing the dangerous condition.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Queen Elizabeth II and Anne: 4 photos that show their 'enigmatic' mother-daughter bond

THE QUEEN and her daughter Princess Anne have a 'more private' relationship than other members of the Royal Family due to Anne's lesser royal status. According to body language expert, the royal mother and daughter have an 'enigmatic' bond.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

Coronavirus symptoms: Scientists warn of a fourth key warning sign of COVID-19

CORONAVIRUS symptoms mostly include a high fever, a new cough, and loss of smell and taste. However, a person could also be at risk of COVID-19 infection with a symptom that should be classed as a fourth key sign of a COVID-19 infection. What is it?

from Daily Express :: Health Feed