Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Painkiller side effects: Colour change to spot on your lips and fingernails that's serious

PAINKILLERS always come with the correct dosage requirements and if exceeding this a toxicity may occur. Taking too much codeine is known to change a person's colour on their lips and nails.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed https://ift.tt/puEZ1Nzev

High blood pressure: The purple juice that lowers hypertension over a 'sustained' period

HIGH blood pressure is a precursor to heart disease so it's vital to stop it in its tracks. A purple drink has gained notable attention for its blood pressure-lowering capabilities, which rival those of blood pressure medications.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed https://ift.tt/q7WiEcv0t

Arthritis: The surprising foods which 'are only healthy in small doses' - painful triggers

ARTHRITIS or other similar conditions that affect the joints, impacts more than 10 million people in the UK. Indeed, arthritis is not a single disease, but instead a way of referring to joint pain or joint disease and there are more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed https://ift.tt/QABMlHkWc

Visceral fat: The hot drink that ‘flushes out toxins’ and inhibits fat absorption rapidly

VISCERAL fat is a pernicious type of lipid that resides in the body's midsection, where it releases toxic chemicals into the bloodstream. Diet exercise offers some of the best chances of reducing the fat. According to health experts, however, one hot beverage may facilitate weight loss.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed https://ift.tt/x5IO4ubCG

Eye disease: How one fruit could prevent common cause of sight loss

AN EYE DISEASE, known as macular degeneration, is the leading cause of sight loss in the UK, with age-related macular degeneration affecting at least 600,000 people across the nation. Leading a healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways to maintain good eye health - and there is one small berry which could help.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed https://ift.tt/FdqE27wYQ