Sunday, December 31, 2023

Numerology for 2024: How an eight energy affects your personal year number

Chiming in the New Year of 2024 brings forth the numerological energy of the number eight.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

'I'm kicking my pregnant daughter and her 6 kids out - she's calling me selfish'

A mum has been praised for making the tough decision to kick her pregnant daughter, partner and their six kids out of her home.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

'Military' sleep hack lets you nod off in two minutes - and it's 'mind-blowing'

A YouTuber has shared a 'military-grade' sleep trick that he claims can help you fall asleep in just two minutes - and many people have said it works wonders

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

'Military' sleep hack lets you nod off in two minutes - and it's 'mind-blowing'

A YouTuber has shared a 'military-grade' sleep trick that he claims can help you fall asleep in just two minutes - and many people have said it works wonders

from Daily Express :: Health Feed