Saturday, August 13, 2022

Early dementia could be found using clock-drawing test - ‘Quick way to screen’ say experts

HOW well you can draw a clock with its hands and numbers in the right place at a given time might detect whether you have dementia.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

How to sleep: The simple activity to do 15 minutes before bed to reduce stress and anxiety

FALLING asleep at night can elude all of us at times, no matter how tired we are. And with temperatures remaining high across the UK it can make it even more difficult to get some shut eye. One expert shared how a quick at-home activity can help relieve stress and anxiety before turning in for the night.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

High cholesterol can be inherited - four physical signs 'when extra cholesterol builds up'

CERTAIN health conditions bring with them a slew of other risks. Having high cholesterol is one such condition, with a number of heart problems as well as strokes associated with it.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Horoscopes today - Russell Grant's star sign forecast for Sunday, August 14

TODAY'S horoscope has one star sign receiving some wonderful news from a friend, while another will enjoy a successful bid in an online auction. What else can you expect? Russell Grant shares his analysis

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

'They aren’t attacking anymore!' How to create easy mosquito trap with 3 household items

MOSQUITOS are very common during the warm summer months when mosquito season reaches its peak. Luckily, there is a simple way to create your own mosquito trap at home.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed