Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Woman’s ‘revolutionary' hack that keeps open wine bottles fresh stuns TikTok users

A content creator has gone viral after discovering an unexpected way to keep open bottles of wine perfectly sealed.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed https://ift.tt/AMWz4qB

Britons warned UK seaside towns contain bacteria posing 'risk to life'

Levels of ammonia above what's deemed safe in the UK were detected in all three of the UK seaside towns.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed https://ift.tt/M7ySiKY

Genius five-minute hack brings limp carrots 'back to life' by restoring their firmness

The hack has proven useful for restoring different types of limp produce within just a few minutes.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed https://ift.tt/iWza3OY

The little-known warning sign of dust mites that you might mistake for having a cold

Dry cough and runny noses are usually blamed on colds during the colder months, but signs like these could also point to unwanted guests in your bed.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed https://ift.tt/PZ2HJsB

Horoscopes today - Russell Grant's star sign forecast for Tuesday, January 30

TODAY'S horoscope has one star taking too much on, while another needs to seize an opportunity. What else can you expect? Russell Grant shares his analysis

from Daily Express :: Life Feed https://ift.tt/DNxH3K9