Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Corona Update: 83 लाख के पार हुए देश में कोरोना के मरीज, 24 घंटे में बढ़े इतने मामले

भारत में कोरोना संक्रमित मरीजों की संख्या 83 लाख के पार हो गई है. पिछले 24 घंटों के दौरान कोरोना वायरस संक्रमण के 50 हजार 209 मामले सामने आए हैं, जबकि इस दौरान 704 मरीजों ने अपनी जान गंवा दी. तो वहीं 55331 मरीज ठीक भी हुए.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

Tamannaah's dress is perfect for Diwali party

South Indian actress, Tamannaah Bhatia is known for pretty sartorial picks, and she somehow always manages to make a stylish statement. Right now, we are crushing on the light-eyed beauty's latest look - a shimmery dress. Have a look!

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

इन सब्जियों का छिलके सहित करें सेवन, होंगे ये सभी फायदे

चुकंदर को कच्चा, सूप, सलाद और स्मूदी के रूप में खा सकते हैं. फाइबर, विटामिन बी9, पोटेशियम, आयरन और विटामिन सी चुकंदर में प्रचूर मात्रा में पाया जाता है.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

काली मिट्टी का लेप इन बीमारियों के लिए है कारगर, जानें कैसे करें इस्तेमाल

शरीर में खून बनाने की प्रक्रिया में आयरन काफी महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है. ऐसे में जिन लोगों में हीमोग्लोबीन की कमी होती है, उनके लिए काली मिट्टी का उपचार फायदेमंद साबित हो सकता है. 

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

ठंड के चलते मांसपेशियों में होने वाले दर्द से पाएं छुटकारा, बस अपनाएं ये आसान उपाय

मांसपेशियों की मालिश के लिए सरसो, नारियल, पिपरमिंट, लैवेंडर और जिरियम तेल का इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए. 

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

Here's why you're not losing belly fat?

If you're someone, who has tirelessly worked towards achieving a toned, healthy body, by now you must have already realized how difficult task it is to get rid of all those excess belly fat that are not stubborn and challenging, but also pose great risks to your health.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

5 make-up tricks for eye make-up

With the ongoing pandemic, grand celebrations are on hold but you can still get all the festive action with intimate gatherings. Whether you're celebrating with your family or your friends, make sure you deck up for the festivities. And, when it comes to make-up, eye make-up can instantly add some drama to your face. Here are five ways you can enhance your festive eye make-up:

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Seven different forms of mild COVID-19

A new study identified seven different forms of mild COVID-19. Additionally, it claims that the novel coronavirus also leaves behind notable changes in the immune system even after 10 weeks of detection of the initial infection.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

These sunsigns are extremely blunt

Being honest about your opinions may not always be appreciated by others. People often want things to be sugar-coated and when it’s not, they take it as an offence. People who tell things exactly like it is may not gain favours too quickly. Their blunt approach is quite disapproving for many. However, people of the following zodiac signs do not care about other’s opinions because they will continue to only speak their mind.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

How to keep your kids busy at home

"Mumma, I am bored, Can I play on the iPad?"

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

6 high protein breakfasts

Having a protein loaded breakfast also aids weight loss and gives a boost to your metabolism. Skipping the first meal of the day is the worst mistake you can do for your body. Here are some easy and nutritious breakfast options you can opt for.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

This herbal tea can help cleanse your lungs

Inhaling polluted air leads to several problems such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and even chronic lung diseases.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Asthma warning: Fireworks could trigger life-threatening attacks - tips to stay well

ASTHMA warning: For those individuals suffering from symptoms of asthma, how can you enjoy the festive night with a trigger?

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Best supplements for winter: Six vitamins and minerals that could help boost your immunity

BEST supplements for winter: A recent study published in the journal British Medical Journal found that good intakes of vitamins A, E and D are linked to fewer respiratory complaints. While nutrition appears to play a role in reducing the risk of several infections, exactly how it boosts immunity is very complex and is still not fully understood.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Eating celery could protect against deadly high blood pressure symptoms

HIGH blood pressure symptoms can be difficult to spot, but may include headaches and finding blood in your urine. You could lower your risk of developing deadly signs of hypertension by adding more celery to your diet. Should you speak to a doctor about the best high blood pressure foods?

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

इस योग से दूर होंगी पेट की समस्याएं, जानिए क्या है सही तरीका

योग की अनेक मुद्राएं हैं, जिसमें 'शलभासन' एक प्रमुख आसन है. 'शलभ' का अर्थ टिड्डा होता है. शलभासन करते समय आपके शरीर की आकृति टिड्डे के समान दिखाई देती है इसलिए इसे शलभासन कहा जाता है.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

Daily horoscope for November 5: YOUR star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast

YOUR daily horoscope this Thursday features a Cancer Moon trine and a Scorpio Sun - but how will these aspects affect your horoscope today?

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

Martin Lewis's best exclusive energy deals right now including Shell saving of £237 a year

MARTIN LEWIS is the Money Saving Expert behind the huge successful website, club and television shows.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

The hidden sign of early dementia symptoms in the way you speak - when to see a doctor

DEMENTIA symptoms include difficulty concentrating, mood changes, and having slower thoughts. But, you could also be at risk of Alzheimer's disease if you develop a common early warning sign in the way you speak. When should you consider speaking to a doctor about dementia and memory loss?

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Stress Relief Tips to Relieve Election Anxiety

If the one-two punch of pandemic stress and election stress feels like more than you can handle, try these tips to help you cope.

from NYT > Health

Tesco: Supermarket giant extends its 50% off Clubcard Prices - how to make huge savings

TESCO has extended its up to 50 percent off Clubcard Prices which sees hundreds of grocery items at the supermarket available at a discounted price.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

Eating ‘lion’s mane’ may reduce risk of heart disease and offer protection against cancer

HOW TO live longer: Chronic disease is the arch nemesis of longevity but you can take steps to try and defeat it. Leading a healthy lifestyle is what counts and research suggests eating lion's mane may confer some protection against heart disease and cancer - what is it?

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

The best supplements to boost energy and lower your risk of tiredness and fatigue

SUPPLEMENTS could be used to prevent tiredness and fatigue symptoms. Add these cheap capsules to your diet to avoid feeling sleepy or drowsy during the day, while also boosting your overall energy. These are the best supplements to avoid feeling tired.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

कई बीमारियों की रामबाण दवा है सौंफ, ये फायदे आपको हैरत में डाल देंगे

सौंफ आम तौर पर पूरे देश में इस्तेमाल होता है. कहीं मसाले के रूप में, कहीं माउथ फ्रेशनर (Mouth Freshner) के तौर पर. तो कहीं घरेलू दवाओं (Ayurvedic Medicines) के तौर पर.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

Melania Trump 'grim-faced' as Donald casts doubts on US 2020 election results

MELANIA TRUMP, 50, has been supporting her husband Donald as he aims to win the US presidency again, for a second term. Donald Trump has cast doubt on the results of the election.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

COVID-19 symptoms: From a ‘fizzing’ sensation to ‘swollen eyelids’ - the bizarre signs

A CORONAVIRUS national lockdown sweeps the nation come midnight on Thursday, November 5. By now, everyone should be familiar with the classic triage of symptoms, but there are others.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Protect against type 2 diabetes symptoms by adding avocado to your daily diet

DIABETES type 2 risk could be lowered by making some diet or lifestyle swaps. You could protect against diabetes symptoms and signs - including tiredness, weight loss and passing more urine than normal - by adding 'superfood' avocado to your shopping list. Should you speak to a doctor about high blood sugar symptoms?

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Donald Trump net worth: How 45th President made his billionaire fortune

DONALD TRUMP, 74, is the 45th President of the United States. Before becoming President, he was a powerful, successful businessman. How much is he worth?

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

‘Altered mental status’ could signal your blood pressure is dangerously high - what is it?

HIGH blood pressure is famously dubbed the "silent killer" because it is not usually accompanied by symptoms. However, if your blood pressure reaches a certain level, it may produce sinister effects, such as an altered mental status - what is it?

from Daily Express :: Health Feed