Monday, November 1, 2021

Best supplements: The mineral shown to ward off infections ahead of winter - new study

WINTER is set to become a hotbed for respiratory tract infections this year as people huddle inside and mix after being socially distanced due to coronavirus restrictions. Fortunately, a new study has found supplementing with a natural mineral can mitigate the worst effects of infection.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Crohn’s disease: Signs in your eyes, mouth, and skin - how to recognise the signs

CROHN'S disease is a lifelong condition where parts of the digestive system become inflamed, and is one type of a condition called inflammatory bowel disease. The exact cause of Crohn's disease is unknown.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Paracetamol: Six signs of an overdose including a sign on your skin - 'get emergency help'

PARACETAMOL, also known as acetaminophen, is a commonly used medicine that can help treat pain and reduce a high temperature.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Pancreatic cancer dubbed 'silent killer' - what are the early symptoms?

PANCREATIC cancer is one of the deadliest cancers, but the warning signs can go unnoticed because they are often associated with other illnesses and conditions - but what exactly are the early symptoms?

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

B12 deficiency: Two signs in your toes that indicate you've been low for a 'long time'

VITAMIN B12 provides fuel for the body so falling short of the required amount can cause a tsunami of problems. Symptoms can be subtle at first but two signs in your toes can signal you've been deficient for a "long time", warns health body PeaceHealth.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

The lifestyle decision that has the 'largest' impact on longevity and it costs you nothing

RESEARCH continues to draw associations between lifestyle factors and the length of your lifespan. When it comes to boosting life expectancy, a study published in the PLOS Medicine found one lifestyle decision trumped all others.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

How to sleep: The 'critical stage' in preparing for bed after the clock change - key tip

SLEEP is essential to the normal functioning of the brain and body, but it can be tricky to drift off when you're stressed and your brain is busy.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

High blood pressure: The breakfast drink that lowers hypertension after a 'single' cup

HIGH blood pressure, also known as hypertension, launches an assault on the body but its impact is not usually perceptible to the eye. Fortunately, you can lower hypertension by simply drinking a "single" cup of a popular breakfast drink.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Prostate cancer risk: Five most common causes of prostate cancer - is it hereditary?

PROSTATE CANCER affects one in eight men during their lifetime, but is the disease hereditary and what are the five key risk factors? These are the most common causes of prostate cancer.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Scorpio November 2021 horoscope: What's in store for Scorpio this month?

SCORPIO, it's your lucky season! Here's the Scorpio horoscope for November 2021.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

Libra November 2021 horoscope: What's in store for Libra this month?

LIBRA, November is calling you to step into your full potential. Here's the November 2021 horoscope for Libra.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

Virgo November 2021 horoscope: What's in store for Virgo this month?

VIRGO, you're going to be very busy this month. Here's the Virgo horoscope for November 2021.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

Leo November 2021 horoscope: What's in store for Leo this month?

LEO, November is all about home, family and making yourself feel happy and healthy. Here's the November 2021 horoscope for Leo.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed