Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Trump Administration Will Redirect $62 Million Owed to World Health Organization

The money, part of $120 million owed in annual dues, will go to other agencies fighting flu and buying vaccines.

from NYT > Health

Fennel Seeds- सौंफ खाने के ये फायदे आपको हैरान कर देंगे, जरूर इस तरह से करें इस्तेमाल

हरी और कुरकुरी सौंफ हम सभी मुखवास के तौर पर इस्तेमाल करते हैं. सौंफ (Fennel Seeds) की तासीर ठंडी होती है इसलिए गर्मी में इसका इस्तेमाल बढ़ जाता है. सौंफ में कई ऐसे पोषक तत्व पाए जाते हैं जो स्वस्थ रहने के लिए बहुत जरूरी होते हैं.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

मोटापा घटाने का हर तरीका आजमा कर थक चुके हैं? तो करें ये काम, एक हफ्ते में दिखेगा असर

मोटापा कम करने के उपाय और पेट की चर्बी घटाने के नुस्खे आज के समय में बहुत से लोग तलाश रहे हैं. आज के लाइफस्टाइल में मोटापा (Fat) एक सामान्‍य समस्‍या है. बच्चों से लेकर बड़े और बुजुर्ग तक मोटापे और वजन बढ़ने से परेशान हो रहे है.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

Trump Administration Will Redirect $62 Million Owed to World Health Organization

The money, part of $120 million owed in annual dues, will go to other agencies fighting flu and buying vaccines.

from NYT > Health

Children can have the coronavirus and antibodies in their bodies at the SAME TIME

In a new study from Children's National Hospital in Washington, DC, patients between ages six and 15 took nearly twice as long time to clear the coronavirus than patients aged 16 to 22

from Health News Articles | Mail Online

Avoid these diets if you have PCOS issues

The internet is filled with diets and each one claims to be the best.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Heart attack warning - the sweet treat to slash your risk of deadly high blood pressure

HEART attack risk could be lowered by making some diet or lifestyle swaps. You could lower your chances of developing deadly heart attack and high blood pressure symptoms - including chest pain and difficulty breathing - by simply eating more of a common sweet treat. Should you speak to a doctor?

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Dr Fauci 'sounds different' after vocal cord polyp removal, Twitter users say

Dr Fauci is back in action, with a new, smoother voice after surgery to remove a polyp from his vocal cord nearly two weeks ago - and Americans are taking note of his new sound as he returns to TV.

from Health News Articles | Mail Online

Novavax's experimental coronavirus vaccine triggered antibodies in 100% of trial participants

Novavax's trial in more than 100 Australian adults showed that the vaccine triggered the production of coronavirus antibodies - -  in 1ll 108 Australians that got the shot after their second dose.

from Health News Articles | Mail Online

The CDC is Preparing for Covid-19 Vaccines A and B. Here’s What You Need to Know

The agency told public health agencies that two unidentified vaccines might be ready by October or November. We explain how vaccine trials work, when one might be ready, and who may get them first.

from NYT > Health

New Treatment for Lou Gehrig's Disease Shows Promise

A study of their therapy and clinical trials of other experimental treatments are offering glimmers of hope that paralysis from the disorder can be slowed.

from NYT > Health

Sign that you are not as healthy as you think

Most health conditions come with symptoms, while some creep into our lives silently. So, if you consider yourself healthy but experience persistent headaches, you might want to check with your doctor.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

The CDC is Preparing for Covid-19 Vaccines A and B. Here’s What You Need to Know

The agency told public health agencies that two unidentified vaccines might be ready by October or November. We explain how vaccine trials work, when one might be ready, and who may get them first.

from NYT > Health