Friday, August 14, 2020

Prince William and Harry's evolution 'from playmates to rivals' - Royal rift in pictures

PRINCE WILLIAM and Prince Harry's relationship has evolved across the decades. From playmates to "royal rivals" a body language expert has analysed photos that chart the brother's move apart.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

देश के हर नागरिक को मिलेगा 'यूनीक हेल्थ कार्ड', जानिए कितने काम की चीज

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने लाल किले की प्राचीर से 74वें स्वतंत्रता दिवस (74th Independence Day) के मौके पर देशवासियों को नेशनल डिजिटल हेल्थ मिशन (National Digital Health Mission) की सौगात दी है.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

स्वस्थ रहने के लिए पानी पीने के इन नियमों का रखें ध्यान, नहीं तो हो सकती मुश्किल

इस बात से हम सभी बेहतर अवगत है कि पानी के बिना जीवन असंभव है और पानी (Water) हमारे स्वास्थ्य (Health) के लिए जरूरी है. रोजाना पर्याप्त पानी पीने की आदत आपको कई तरह की बीमारियों और रोगों (Disease) से बचा सकती है. लेकिन यही पानी अगर दूषित या गंदा हो, तो आपको बीमार भी बना सकता है.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

Perfect tricolour dressing for Independence Day

If you too want to join the bandwagon, here’s some help at hand, courtesy Pulkit Goga, Founder Bharatshali Sarees, who helped us in listing some tricolour dressing ideas, perfect for Independence day.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Do not use plastic cutlery for kids

As a parent, there are many things we need to take care of. Apart from keeping the children safe, another very important parental duty is about ensuring they get the right nutrition

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Meg Cabot releases new book

Bestselling author Meg Cabot just released a new novel. Titled 'No Offence' the book is a romance and a mystery.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

7 quick and easy bread crumb recipes

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

अपने Lungs को किसी भी तरह के इंफेक्शन से बचाने के लिए करें ये ब्रीदिंग एक्सरसाइज

फेफड़े यानी कि लंग्स (Lungs) जो कि शरीर का एक बहुत अहम हिस्सा है. फेफड़ों के अस्वस्थ रहने पर कई बीमारियां हो सकती है जैसे अस्थमा (Asthma), ब्रोंकाइटिस (Bronchitis), निमोनिया (Pneumonia), टीबी (Tuberculosis), फेफड़ों का कैंसर (Lungs Cancer) आदि.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

Study Says Obesity Raises Risk of Death from Covid-19 Among Men

Obesity is not an independent risk for women, according to a new study, perhaps because their fat is distributed differently.

from NYT > Health

Study Says Obesity Raises Risk of Death from Covid-19 Among Men

Obesity is not an independent risk for women, according to a new study, perhaps because their fat is distributed differently.

from NYT > Health

Prince Philip heartbreak: Duke got 'validation' from Anne after 'failing' Charles - expert

PRINCE Philip's "no-nonsense" attitude often sees him compared to his daughter Princess Anne. Now a body language expert has claimed the Duke found "validation" with Anne after "failing" to form a "very close" relationship with Prince Charles.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

Kate Middleton pregnant: Signs from Prince William could confirm baby number four

KATE MIDDLETON, 38, is the Duchess of Cambridge and wife of Prince William. Rumours the Duchess might be pregnant were abound recently. A body language expert revealed how Prince William could give any pregnancy away.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

Sophie, Countess of Wessex copies Princess Diana to 'encourage' her children

SOPHIE, COUNTESS OF WESSEX, 55, has two children with her husband Prince Edward, 56. Speaking to, body language expert Judi James explained the couple could have taken parenting tips from other members of the Royal Family.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed