Friday, August 7, 2020

5 unusual food combinations that can help your shed kilos

Like apple when combined with peanut butter is said to not only satiate your hunger pangs but also keep you right on track.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Zodiac signs that can break your heart

Relationships begin on a beautiful note, but with time, everything that seemed like a wonderful dream, may in turn become your worst nightmare. The heartbreaks and separation that come with it are irreparable and can be extremely agonizing.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Five expert ways to hide dark circles

Covering dark circles with make-up may sound easy but it can be one of the trickiest things to do. If you want to hide those pesky under-eye bags and want to learn the right way to do it, then look no further. We've got you covered. Follow this step-by-step guide to hide dark circles like a pro:

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Akshay Kumar's adult male onesie

Akshay Kumar is making a serious case for onesies. Here, have a look.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Micro review: 'The Order' by Daniel Silva

'The Order' by Daniel Silva is the 20th book in the Gabriel Allon series. This time the fan favourite spy has to solve a murder.

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

15 minute easy chicken snacks

If you are a die-hard chicken lover and want to indulge in something delicious yet not-so unhealthy, then don your chef’s hat and make these easy yet scrumptious chicken snacks that you can prepare at home in just 15 minutes!

from LifeStyle - Latest Lifestyle News, Hot Trends, Celebrity Styles & Events

Princess Beatrice birthday: Sarah Ferguson's daughter pioneered major royal baby tradition

PRINCESS BEATRICE, 32, recently had her wedding to Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi. Today, she has another reason to celebrate because it is her birthday. Her birth actually inspired in important royal birth trend.

from Daily Express :: Life Feed

शरीर में होने वाली खुजली से हैं परेशान? ये नुस्खा दिलाएगा आपको जल्द राहत

दूषित पानी या फिर दवाइयों का सेवन करने के कारण भी शरीर में खुजली की समस्या देखने को मिलती है. इस समस्या से बचने के लिए कुछ ऐसे घरेलू नुस्खे बताने जा रहे हैं.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

Best supplements for the brain: The six ingredients proven to protect brain health

THE BEST supplement for brain health: A clinical pharmacist shares his recommendation on the best supplement to help protect the most complex organ in the body - the brain. Six ingredients have been proven to maintain brain health.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

Vitamin B12 deficiency: Five foods you should include in your diet to avoid symptoms

VITAMIN B12 deficiencies are very common with most being completely unaware they are even lacking in the important vitamin. However, a lack of this vitamin could pose many health issues and symptoms and could become serious problems unless rectified. Fortunately, adding a few different foods into your daily diet will ensure you don't need to worry about your B12 levels. Dr Jane Leonard spoke exclusively to to give her top tips for avoiding the condition - five of the best foods to include in your diet.

from Daily Express :: Health Feed

शरीर की जिद्दी से जिद्दी चर्बी को इस खास ड्रिंक से कहें गुडबाय

कोरोना वायरस (CoronaVirus) के चलते लंबे समय से लोग घर पर ही हैं. ज्यादा बाहर निकलना हो नहीं पाता. ऐसे में लोगों को मोटापा, शरीर में चर्बी बढ़ने जैसी समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

बरसात का मौसम लाता है कई बीमारियां, बचने के लिए आयुष मंत्रालय ने बताए हैं घरेलू तरीके

बारिश के मौसम में तमाम तरह के संक्रमण का खतरा बढ़ जाता है. इस मौसम में फ्लू, वायरल बुखार की परेशानी भी काफी लोगों को हो जाती है.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News

World Breastfeeding Week: शिशु को स्तनपान कराना मां के लिए भी फायदेमंद, होते हैं ये असर

मां का दूध नवजात बच्‍चे के लिए बहुत जरूरी होता है क्‍योंकि बच्‍चे को इस दौरान सभी पोषक तत्‍व मां के दूध से ही प्राप्‍त होते हैं. इसलिए डॉक्टर भी यही सलाह देते हैं कि 6 माह तक शिशु को मां का ही दूध पिलाना चाहिए.

from Zee News Hindi: Health News